Ipswich Buddhist Centre and its take on Hollywood
New Stone Buddha Grotto Discovered in DPRK
One thousand gold Buddhas take part in religious restoration in Siberia
Plastic bottles reborn as blankets in Buddhist recycling centre
Govt. can support traditional religions without foreign help
The Great Chancellor Episode 2
This true story of episode 2 is about how the citizens lived in one medium–sized state, not too small and not too large. However, this state that we are talking about was both supreme in economic growth and high moral standards beyond others. Please read more to find out why…
The Inner Peace For Japan Project
The details and schedule of the Inner Peace for Japan project. This is to dedicate merit to the dead people from earthquakes and Tsunami in Japan.
Searching for the Truth
In the Pali language, 'natthi santiparam sukham' means 'there is no happiness other than the peace of mind'
Letter of Explanation - Mes Aynak
Afghan Ambassador in Pakistan informed the attitude of Afghan Government that the government is willing to preserve the ancient Buddhist Place "Mes Aynak."
Dalai Lama says capitalism can learn from Buddhism